2012 marks 150 years of gold exploration and discovery in the Monashee. 2012 also marks the 100th anniversary of the BC Forest Service and the 50th anniversary of Monashee Provincial Park.
The print and online version of the Monashee 150 Year Almanac represents a portal into the stories and history of this very special part of British Columbia.
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Radio Interview with Lumby Pioneer J.W. Inglis
From the Imbert Orchard Collection in the BC Archives
For the past ten years hundreds of thousands of B.C. early birds have been tuning into CBC Radio’s North by Northwest starting just after 6 a.m. to hear what host Sheryl MacKay has brought together to entertain and inform them. Her warm personality brings out the best stories about people and their passions for life and the arts.
Now thanks to the Imbert Orchard Collection in the BC Archives, North by Northwest and CBC Radio have made available to the Monashee Almanac a very special Voices of BC interview with Lumby pioneer J.W. Inglis.
“Every time I think about the Imbert Orchard Collection in the BC Archives I am so grateful that we have such a treasure. Imbert Orchard was a CBC Radio producer who travelled the province in the 1950's and 60's with engineer Ian Stephen, collecting interviews with elders,” comments MacKay.
Robert Budd is a historian based in Victoria who has been working with the Orchard Collection for a few years now. He's published a book containing some of the great stories from the tapes and now presents a regular feature on NXNW where we get to hear voices from BC's past.
In this audio file J.W. Inglis describes how his parents arrived in the Lumby area a century ago and what life was like when he was a child growing up in the early pioneer village.